He has wanted one of these for years, but I told him that if he was going to have one it was going to be by saving his money and buying it himself. A few weeks ago he found one on craigslist for $40 (they are usually around $200), and he bought it. It was advertised as being in perfect running condition, but we later found out that this was not the case.
One of Brian's customers owns dirt bikes, and Brian mentioned to him that Bren purchased this mini motorcycle. His customer told him to bring the bike over, and he would take a look at it. He apparently works on them.
A week later he calls to say that it's all set. Brian and Bren rode over (they live in our neighborhood), and discovered that his customer had not just fixed it, but had paid over $200 to have it fixed when he discovered that he couldn't do the repairs. More amazing is that he would not accept ANY money for reimbursement. Not a penny. He said he was just happy that he was able to get it running (NEW engine and other parts), and was thrilled that Bren would now be able to ride it. Talk about generosity.
Coming down our street towards our house. So now Bren rides it every day. It goes up to 35mph, and I know that he's not wearing a helmet in these pictures, but he is getting one. Until then he has strict limitations on speed, where he can ride it, etc. He waited (not so) patiently for it, and he's so excited to have it now. And yes, they are for "big" kids. They are not meant for anyone younger than 13-14.