Monday, October 29, 2007


We took the kids to a Halloween festival at Largo Park this past weekend, and before it got too dark I got a few pictures of Erin in her costume. Go Bulls!!!!!!

Have you ever seen a cuter cheerleader? I think NOT!!!!!! Just imagine the bouncing curls. This girl loves to do her cheers.

There is also a picture of Sherry (Erin's Godmother, and her grandson). They met us at the park for the festival, and I only managed to get one picture. It's a bit grainy because I didn't have my external flash with me, and they were too fast for me to get the proper settings adjusted without the flash. Still a cute shot of the three of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute little cheer leader, Love you all, Grandma & Grandpa Larry