Sunday, June 29, 2008


While I was out back walking Anah this evening I stood at the lake behind our house, mesmerized by the way the clouds were reflecting in the water. It was just so pretty to me. I notice it almost every night, and I often want to take my camera out there, but I just never make it. So I came back in, grabbed my camera, and sat down by the lake with Anah and my camera for about 30 minutes. I watched the sun set completely, watched the cloud formations change, and just relaxed. The alligator that lives in the lake was swimming around in front of us, the fish were jumping, and cranes came and went. It was just perfect.

The picture of the house is for you, mom. I know you wanted to see my BMW when I got it last year, and I never got around to sending you a picture of it. You can see it in this picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful house!!! Miss Florida so much!!